The Survey

Launched one year after the Maui wildfires, the Maui Housing and Jobs Recovery Tracker survey monitors the housing and socioeconomic recovery on Maui. The data will be reported and updated on this website each month. The project is run by UHERO with funding from the Hawai‘i Community Foundation.

The survey focuses on people who lived, worked, or owned a business in West Maui or Kula during the August 2023 wildfires. We call this group “fire-impacted,” while recognizing that the wider Maui community has also been affected. So far more than 900 people have participated in the survey, with an average monthly sample of about 425 responses.

The (near) real-time and ongoing nature of this survey is critical to assessing the progress of Maui’s recovery. Most of the existing data about the fire-affected community is not publicly available and not updated on a frequent basis. This project aims to assist data-driven recovery management and ensure transparency.